Counter-Strike 2 RCON Commands

Find out how to control your game server!

Counter-Strike 2

Admin login via RCON

RCON supplied by Valve is currently broken/non-functional. Please use fake_rcon as directed below.

Open console and run one of the following commands to login to your server as admin.

The RCON password will be displayed on your free server panel or within your Pro area.

Temporary Admin

Using Fake RCON

fake_rcon_password type_rcon_pass_here

General Settings


You can change the current map to any stock one. Map name should be lowercase only.

fake_rcon changelevel mapnamehere

Pro only You can also use maps from the Steam Workshop. Just enter the file ID (in URL after id=) after the command.

fake_rcon host_workshop_map fileID

To restart the map after X amount of seconds.

fake_rcon mp_restartgame seconds

To disable warmup round.

fake_rcon mp_warmup_end


You can change or remove the password to join your server by leaving the value empty.

fake_rcon sv_password ""


You can change the hostname on the request form or if you want to change it after you've started it, you can do so using this command. Please note that you are required to keep the advert part in the hostname.

fake_rcon hostname "CUSTOM HOSTNAME - free @"

Load a different config/gamemode

Loads the predefined settings.

fake_rcon exec filename
RCON Command Filename Info
fake_rcon esl5on5 esl5on5.cfg This is the default esl5on5 config file
fake_rcon scrim scrim.cfg Standard scrim config with all rounds enabled
fake_rcon prac practice.cfg Standard practice config
fake_rcon deathmatch N/A Valve's deathmatch game mode - Note: Use fake_rcon gmcomp to switch back into competitive gamemode
fake_rcon retake retake.cfg Valve's retake game mode - Note: Use fake_rcon gmcomp to switch back into competitive gamemode
fake_rcon wingman N/A Valve's wingman game mode - Note: Use fake_rcon gmcomp to switch back into competitive gamemode
fake_rcon cheats N/A Enable Cheats - Note: You can also use: fake_rcon sv_cheats 1

Pro only

Plugins - Pre-installed on CS2 Pro servers

Name Information

/login [rconpassword] - Authenticate as the server owner to add or remove administrators from the server.

/addadmin [target] - To add a new administrator to the server, you can specify their name/userID if they are online. If they are not online, you can use their SteamID64.

/removeadmin [target] - To remove an administrator from the server, you can specify their name/userID if they are online. If they are not online, you can use their SteamID64.

/listadmins - Display a list of administrators on the server along with their SteamID64 and name.

Retakes CS2 implementation of retakes. Based on the version for CS:GO by Splewis.
You can buy guns with buy menu or use !guns
CustomCommands Gives you access to various commands to switch between plugins available for your pro server. Use /help to see the different commands in your in-game.
MatchZy MatchZy is a plugin for running and managing practice/pugs/scrims/matches.
MatchZy ReadMe for the available commands etc.
cs2-Rcon Optional to use !rcon instead of using fake_rcon in your console from in-game.
cs2-MapChange & WorkShop You can change the map with !map, the letters do not matter if you use: !map DE_DUST2
You can also change the workshop map with !wsmap or !workmap. Example: !wsmap 3070238628
cs2-WeaponPaints You know the plugin, it's self-explanatory !skinsonYou need to enable it from server panel, before command will work! - FSHOST Web Skins

Maps Alias

fake_rcon ancient
fake_rcon anubis
fake_rcon dust2
fake_rcon inferno
fake_rcon mirage
fake_rcon nuke
fake_rcon overpass
fake_rcon vertigo

Managing Players


Kick a player

fake_rcon kickid #id


eBot — (not in-game bots)

  1. Go to
  2. Create an account
  3. Add Gameserver (using server IP:Port and RCON Password)
  4. Create a match
  5. Go to my matches
  6. Start
  7. When finished, make sure to stop eBot on their site.

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